Moshood Saka

Moshood Saka

Software Engineering + Cyber Security 💻

● SWE Intern @ Hutsy Financial

I'm a Software Engineer with experience in building full stack production-level software. My passion lies in taking an holistic approach to tackle problems with creative solutions + a keen interest in cybersecurity, with 3 projects related to cyber security.

📍Based In

Toronto, Ontario

⚡ Currently

● SWE Intern @ Hutsy Financial

What have I done?

My Experience.

[4 Months]

Hutsy Financial • Software Engineer Intern

Streamlined and automated app deployment to App Stores, cutting team workload by 4 hours weekly. I enhanced the user experience for 5000+ users by fixing critical bugs and creating high-quality components. Increased code quality and team productivity through active code reviews and feedback, and reduced the API error rate by refining backend SDKs and APIs.
TypeScriptJavaScriptReactJSReact Native+2
[4 Months]

Canvass AI • Software Engineer Intern

Collaborated with a cross-disciplinary team to design, document, and develop features, leading to improved platform functionality. I also contributed to enhancing UI and developing API endpoints in Python micro-services. Additionally, I assisted in the weekly release cycles.
[4 Months]

SM Software Consulting • Software Engineer Intern

Initiated the transformation oof an employment app concept into a cross-platform application, improving the job search experience. Responsibilities included producing mobile screens using React-Native, structuring Redux logic, and ensuring data security with backend built in NodeJS.
[4 Months]

Google • Software Product Sprint

Collaborated on building a crypto web app, implementing Google OAuth in Python, and utilizing Google Cloud for data management.
HTML/CSSJavaScriptGoogle CloudJava

Structured Learnings...

My Education.


University Of Windsor • Bachelor Of Computer Science

Software EngineeringCyber SecurityOperating SystemsData Structures & Algorithms
[4 Months]

LightHouse Labs • Full-Stack Development Bootcamp


Picked these along the way!

My Certificates.


AWS Certified Developer - Associate @Amazon Web Services

[In Progess]


Docker For Developers @LinkedIn ↗

Issued Feb 2024


Next-Gen Chief Technology Officer @University of Windsor ↗

Issued Nov 2022

Enjoyed these projects too!

My Projects.

BeingCov ✪



Portfolio ↗

My Personal Portfolio


Partyer ↗

A web app to host events


TinyApp ↗

A mini clone of TinyURL


BAT$ Finance ↗

A Crypto Web App that displays real-time Top 100 crypto currencies and 1 year history

HTML/CSSJavaJava MavenJava Servlets+4

Lotide ↗

A Mini Clone of the Lodash NPM Library
